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Love in the Time of Coronavirus | PEACE CORPS EVAC

Writer: Foreign, OrForeign, Or

Since John F. Kennedy established the Peace Corps in 1961, more than 235,000 Americans of all ages have served in 141 countries worldwide. This month 7,361 volunteers were evacuated from their new homes and put into 14-day quarantine, left to ruminate on the uncertainty of their new realities. For the love of peace: RPCVs talk heartbreak in times of the outbreak.

Peace Corps Colombia 2019-2021 | Photo by Clare Davies


"Around 10 on Sunday night, we received word that Peace Corps was evacuating all volunteers. The Ecuador volunteers had twelve hours to pack up our things and to say goodbye to all those who have made these past two years so meaningful. Seventy two hours later we were back home in the states."


"I tried my best to say goodbye to as many people, but rumors in Bukedea people are saying I “shucked them” in this time of need. I’m devastated. I’m overwhelmed. I don’t have a plan. I’m in shock."


"I’m living in a liminal space - going from living in Nepal to lived in Nepal and serving in the Peace Corps to served in the Peace Corps."


"Senegal was my home. The place where I experienced the highest highs and the lowest lows. I learned what it’s like to really feel proud of myself, and of others, as I worked alongside my community every day."


"It feels weird to be home, but it’s because I have another home that I wasn’t done living in yet. It was always going to be weird coming back, so it’s weird² to be back in a weird USA. Thank you @sea_kelpy for making a banner with all my homes on it. I miss my life in Tanzania. I miss my life in Tunis. I miss my life in the US. I can’t wait for normal."


"Today I had the pleasure of witnessing 69 Americans from all walks of life swear-in and become Volunteers, and two hours later had the distinct displeasure of closing their service. They will evacuate in a few days."


"Last month after being evacuated from China due to the coronavirus, Peace Corps China volunteers were informed we would not be allowed to return, and that we would close our service."

Read Peter Hessler's article on the closing of the China cohort.


"Cuando alguien existe en tu vida y se olvida de decirte adiós, te dejan esperando, sin importar si eres capaz de aceptar que se han ido."


"Morocco reminded me that kindness comes in many forms, and is given and received differently for all humans. Throughout my service, I experienced acts of kindness at the taxi stand, in my place of work, in the coffee shop, on the bus, on the street, among my friends and family, and everywhere in between."


"Your work in your community is still valid! Here’s to weird next steps and new beginnings."


"Bon chance à tout le monde pendant cette temps dure"

Have any resources (housing, ride share, work opportunity) to offer returned Peace Corps volunteers?

Contact us to learn how to help.


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