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Foreign, Or Trading Cards | The Repat
A repatriate is not the polar opposite of an expatriate; more like its complicated older sister who just broke up with her one true love.

Foreign, Or Podcast | TAVEY LIN
A Taiwanese-American turned Beijinger, Tavey's surprise move back home had this teacher-musician-bar boss reinventing himself once again.

Foreign, Or Podcast | SOFIA BALLON HAMANN
If a festival could be personified Sofia-- or better, her alter-ego Shifei-- would be it.

Foreign, Or Trading Cards | The Mayor
The Mayor is a superconnector and a true champion of their home abroad, working tirelessly to keep the ForeignOr community humming.

Foreign, Or Trading Cards | The Complainer
Seeing home as a relative nirvana, The Complainer never appreciates what a privilege it is to live abroad.

Foreign, Or Trading Cards | The Local
From the F/O Trading Card Game: The Local. Ironically named, this person embodies the identity struggle of being truly multicultural.
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