Say hello to Tavey, our Blues Brother who used to 'sunlight' as an ESL teacher. A Taiwanese-American turned Beijinger, this bar boss always comes correct in business casual... but might botch his exit and end up sleeping on your couch.
Now, a surprise move back to the U.S. has this pandemic repat reinventing himself once again. Listen to Tavey cogitate on TCM fire massages, the Fukienese pirate perspective, and how Tiny Robot Love Doctors can heal you.

English teacher business casual

Tavey Lean & The Solid Gold Dream Machine band
Jun and Tavey, co-founders of 4 Corners Bar & Restaurant

SantaCon making merry in Tiananmen Square

Halloween group costume @ Lush
Check the 8Ways Games website and get your Tiny Robot Love Doctors now
See 4Corners memories including the epic Bar Breaking parties
Read Tavey's piece The Last Flight on leaving Beijing during the pandemic